1: 1. Sunlight is crucial for Vitamin D, so spend time outdoors. 2. Include fortified foods like milk and cereals in your diet.

2: 3. Incorporate fatty fish like salmon and mackerel for Vitamin D. 4. Consume B12-rich foods such as eggs, meat, and dairy products.

3: 5. Boost magnesium intake with nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. 6. Consider supplements for Vitamin D, B12, and magnesium.

4: 7. Stay active to improve Vitamin D absorption. 8. Opt for mushrooms and fortified plant-based milks for B12.

5: 9. Get magnesium from whole grains and avocados. 10. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

6: 11. Take a walk during daylight hours to increase Vitamin D levels. 12. Choose fortified tofu and nutritional yeast for B12 sources.

7: 13. Enjoy magnesium-rich snacks like pumpkin seeds and almonds. 14. Ensure adequate sleep for optimal nutrient absorption.

8: 15. Try incorporating Vitamin D supplements if sunlight exposure is limited. 16. Add fortified cereals and plant-based milk to boost B12 intake.

9: 17. Include magnesium in your diet through dark chocolate and bananas. 18. Practice mindfulness and stress management for nutrient absorption.