1: Aquatic animals are masters of cleanliness. Whether it's filtering water or cleaning their habitats, these creatures play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

2: Take the stellar sea lion for example. This marine mammal uses its flippers to groom itself and keep its fur clean, reducing the risk of infections.

3: Sea turtles contribute to ocean cleanliness as well. These gentle swimmers help control the populations of jellyfish, keeping the balance of marine life in check.

4: Cleaning stations on coral reefs are like underwater spas. Cleaner shrimp, gobies, and wrasses provide grooming services to larger fish, keeping them healthy and free of parasites.

5: Did you know that some fish species eat algae to keep the water clean? These herbivores help maintain the delicate balance of underwater ecosystems by consuming excess plant material.

6: Certain cephalopods, like the octopus, are known for their intelligence and problem-solving skills. They use their tentacles to clean and maintain their dens, showcasing their advanced cleaning abilities.

7: Freshwater fish like carp play a crucial role in maintaining clean rivers and lakes. By scavenging for food and nutrients, they help prevent water pollution and promote a healthy aquatic environment.

8: Crustaceans, such as crabs and lobsters, act as nature's cleaners by scavenging dead or decaying matter on the ocean floor. Their role in recycling nutrients helps keep the water clean and clear.

9: From tiny cleaner fish to massive whales, aquatic animals are essential in maintaining cleanliness in their environments. Their unique cleaning behaviors and habits showcase the diversity and importance of these underwater masters.